Laboratory of Electronic and Environmental Microscopies (LM2E)


The LM2E laboratory for:

  • an analysis platform for the needs of the ICSM and other external laboratories,
  • a development and research on their own topics with a strong collaboration with the ICSM teams.


To achieve these objectives, the laboratory service has:

  1. a Jeol 200 CX TEM
  2. a FEI QUANTA 200 ESEM FEG equipped with a heating cell (25-1500°C), a STEM and a Wet-STEM, a Peltier stage (-20°C < T < Tamb et Psat maximale de 4000Pa) and a x-ray pectroscopy system BRUKER XFlash® 5010 SDD.
  3. different tools for sample preparation.
  4. a RMN BRUKER 400MHz spectrometer.