Thomas Zemb / Activités de recherche


Within GDR-E "SENA" between ICSM with IPC-Moscow

Develop renewable nuclear energy processes, i.e. chemistry of the fourth generation of nuclear energy production (Director: S. Pellet-Rostaing).


with Stéphane Pellet-Rostaing
in Moscow


In Potsdam, MPI-KG as Humboldt-Gay Lussac visiting Professor

  1. Understand and implement time-dependence in ion transfer at liquid-liquid interfaces at US-frequencies (with Helmuth Möhwald)
  2. Model thermodynamics and microstructure wood swelling and de-swelling during humidification and dessication (with Luca Bertinotti)
  3. Characterize and model traces left form desiccating sea-water at the surface of metals and  model reaction between sessile droplets containing reactive surface-active materials (with Hans Riegler)


At the Institute for Separation Chemistry in Marcoule

1. Measure and model non-DLVO forces, such as hydration forces

(see. Current Opinion in Colloids and Interfaces December 2011, V A Parsegian and Thomas Zemb editors).

2. Investigate self-assembly of rigid amphiphiles

3. Develop general predictive theoretical modelling of ion exchange between two complex fluids, including basic processes of hydrometallurgy.

4. Understand five component phase diagrams of complex fluids containing one microemulsion, two salts and two "specific" surfactants exhibiting selectivity.

5. Use self-assembly of sugar to develop new routes towards mesoporous but also highly cohesive oxydes and carbides

6. Use low-temperature catalysis in "hot water", i.e. chemical co-generation in refrigerating towers of electrical power plants

with Dr F. Goettman


In Regensburg, as Humboldt/Gay-Lussac visiting Professor

At TU Regensburg, Department of chemicals, c/o Pr W. Kunz:
Characterize, model and implement surfactant-free solubilisation methods and link the to more classical micellisation,  microemulsion control or emulsification


with from left to right: Dominik Horineck, Didier Touraud, Werner Kunz and Hubert Motschmann